"Our daddies and mothers, as well as the teachers, want to know that when we leave our homes in the morning to go to school, that we will come out safe when our lessons are over." -- Carolyn Jones Frei, March 25, 1937 speech she gave as fifth grader Carolyn Jones to the Texas House of Representatives.
One injury can change a worker’s future forever; an accident that kills a construction worker affects a family for a lifetime. “ --Senator Stephen Lynch (D.- Boston)
Painters, employers make safety job one "…worksite safety can do more than just save money; it can save lives and a family’s future… " -- Robert A. Jordon, Boston Globe Oct 21, 1997.
“We want every employee to go to work, work safe, and come home to their family every day.” -- Alan Kasow, president and owner of the M I McDonald Painting Co.