A CHED/CHAS symposium on “Safety in the Undergraduate Classroom” is scheduled for the national American Chemical Society meeting in Anaheim in March 2011.
The symposium description is: “In 2008 the ACS Committee on Professional Training published the revised Guidelines for Bachelor’s Degree Programs which affirm that undergraduate chemistry programs must include safety education ‘as an integral part of the chemistry curriculum’ and that ‘throughout their studies students must experience safety procedures and processes.’ This symposium will include presentations of how different colleges and universities design and implement safety instruction in chemistry courses, both in individual courses and in curriculum-wide programs. By sharing successful programs, we can all improve what we do on our home campuses and better educate our students for their future careers as safe scientists.”
Abstracts submission opened on August 23 and will close on November 1. Abstracts may be submitted at: http://portal.acs.org/portal/ acs/corg/content?_nfpb=true&_ pageLabel=PP_SUPERARTICLE& node_id=432&use_sec=false&sec_ url_var=region1&__uuid= 4a6243b7-7507-41ab-a43d- ab47cee2ab78
Previous similar symposia at the ACS meeting in San Francisco (March 2010) and the BCCE (August 2010) offered many useful ideas about academic safety programs to attendees.
Interim queries may be directed to me.
David C. Finster
Professor of Chemistry
University Chemical Hygiene Officer
Department of Chemistry
Wittenberg University
Professor of Chemistry
University Chemical Hygiene Officer
Department of Chemistry
Wittenberg University