September 18, 2012

Pipeline Safety - Trust But Verify
What does "Trust but Verify" mean when it comes to pipeline safety?
November 8th & 9th, 2012
at the Hotel Monteleone, New Orleans

The Pipeline Safety Trust will host our 7th annual pipeline safety conference where we will once again bring together a unique mix of experience from the affected public, local government, the pipeline industry, and pipeline regulators to discuss the hard issues and create greater understanding to move pipeline safety initiatives forward. Mark your calendars now and plan to join us!

Besides these presentations, don’t forget the conference’s great networking opportunities. It’s the only “all-inclusive” pipeline safety conference in the country: one that’s open to everyone in the pipeline safety community. So you’ll get information and perspectives from industry, the public, elected officials, and regulators from around the nation.

Draft Agenda

Register today - prices increase 10/6/12.
Click the box above that says "Registration Form" and fax it to 360-543-0978, email it to, or mail it to

Pipeline Safety Trust
300 N. Commercial St., Suite B
Bellingham, WA 98225