August 22, 2013

By: Stephanie Schultz/Melissa Brunner, August 15, 2013 (News video and story.)

VIA Healthy Schools Network NEWSLICE

New chemistry teacher alerts school to explosives in school chem lab inventory. School superintendent is grateful. A local hero! EG

August 21, 2013

customImageSensible Steps to Improving Chemical Management in Schools 

The following are some useful links included in the webinar: 
"Safe Chemical Management in Schools":

“Sensible Steps To Healthier School Environments” guide:

Sensible Steps Quick Assessment:

EPA schools website:

We also invite you to join us for our next webinar: “Cleaning and Maintenance, Sensible Steps for Creating Healthier School Environments" September 25, 2013.

To register for that webinar, go here: .

To download the presentation from this session, or for additional information on other
Sensible Steps to Healthier School Environments webinars, please go to:

If you would like to order printed copies of the Sensible Steps to Healthier School Environments guide, please call 303-312-6223.

Best Regards!
The Sensible Steps to Healthier School Environments Team

August 19, 2013

Contractor at Tompkins Elementary Twice Strikes Gas Line
Posted by Krista Madsen (Editor),  August 19, 2013

For the second time in just over a week, the Croton Fire Department responded to a gas leak at Carrie E. Tompkins Elementary School on Gerstein Street, evacuating nearby homes after a gas main was again struck by a contractor.

At 1:25 p.m. on Saturday, fire responders responded to a call for a break, which Chief John Munson established at the scene was between the street main and the curb valve shutoff to the elementary school. It's "a high-pressure main that feeds the school," officials said.

Police and fire volunteers worked to evacuate nearby homes, and officials contacted Con Edison to shut the gas off. By 2:19 p.m., the situation was considered under control, with roads reopened and people allowed to return to their homes on the block.

At 2:30 p.m. on August 9, eight days prior, the Croton FD and police responded to a main line break at the school after a contractor doing work here struck the line. Multiple homes were evacuated until the gas levels were deemed safe.