June 11, 2012

On June 10, 1999 at 3:30 on a beautiful spring afternoon the people of Bellingham learned the hard way that there is a 16 inch pipeline that runs through the middle of our community. Due to lack of care by the pipeline company, and lack of oversight by the responsible government agencies, we here in Bellingham were forced to live through grief unimaginable.

But here in Bellingham once the flames and smoke were gone, the dead were buried and the tears had dried, we did something quite unique in the history of such tragedies. We came together as a community to help those most affected, to heal the creek and land we love, and to try our best to make sure no other community has to experience such needless grief. Through our successes in these efforts we have made great progress in healing ourselves.

These pages tell the story of this journey.

We have come a long way since that day, but I do take a moment to think that day over each year. Some of us wrote our story, pictures, video, and other memories of that time. http://www.pstrust.org/whatcomcreek/GlennArchambault.htm