February 13, 2014

Step Back in Time - Videos

1) The New London Story 5:24 March 18, 1937 started out like any other day in the small east Texas town of New London... People did not want to talk about what happened here for forty years...

2) When Even Angels Wept  Trailer  3:00.  The trailer of a  documentary film (2009) by Kristin Beauchamp includes interviews of those who lived to tell their story from that fateful day. Year after year may pass, but their ageless recollections still stand the test of time. 

Thumbnail3) New London Museum 4:23  New London, Texas, was known as the richest independent school district in the United States... Experience the tragedy and triumph as you step back in time with a visit to the London Museum in New London, Texas.  MORE  
4) East Texas Oil Museum 4:59  Welcome to the East Texas Oil Museum, located on the campus of Kilgore College in Kilgore, Texas. www.easttexasoilmuseum.com. 

ThumbnailThis fascinating museum houses the authentic re-creation of oil discovery and production in the early 1930s from the largest oil field inside U.S. boundaries. Here, visitors see the people, their towns, their personal habits, their tools and their pastimes -- all colorfully depicted in dioramas, movies, sound presentations and actual antiques donated by East Texas citizens.

Step across the city limits into Boomtown, USA, --a full scaletown full of stores, people, animals, and machinery depicting the lively activity of a town booming in oil... MORE