February 06, 2014

SURVIVOR STORY: Jimmie Robinson
Mar 02, 2010
Jimmie Robinson, a third grader in 1937, had walked over to the school “to see the Mexican hat dancers” at a PTA-sponsored event. She was buried in the rubble, with a half-dollar sized hole in her forehead. Her sister Elsie ... MORE
Jimmie Robinson Interview...
Aug 12, 2010
Jimmie Robinson, Survivor, interview on Pittsburgh radio KDKA Sept 4, 2010. On Saturday, September 4, 2010 at 7am EST David M. Brown, co-author of Gone at 3:17, will be on the Rob Pratte Show on Pittsburgh's KDKA ...  MORE

Break the Silence.  

Tell her story. Make March 18 a day to remember the 1937 Texas School Explosion and celebrate today's heroes who work to protect children from hazards and unhealthy school conditions.

Design an annual exhibit, essay contest, or classroom program about the 1937 New London School Explosion.
Today, no one can fix the broken hearts of New London, Texas but the survivors all take some measure of healing and consolation not only in sharing their stories but also in knowing that their stories teach the importance of taking precautions to prevent a similar tragedy from shattering other school communities. 
Go to the New London School Explosion website to read the stories of the survivors, witnesses and family members of the victims.
Read stories at this link: Recollections.  
        Read about Healthy Schools Heroes 2004 - 2013